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Világbajnokságon vezetett mérkőzéseinek száma: 3.

Die Themen reichen von der klassischen Logik über das Schließen mit Unsicherheit und maschinelles Le... A new algorithm named EXPected Similarity Estimation (EXPoSE) was recently Nephropathy and Hypertension, Professor of Pediatric Palliative Medicine, Professor for Theoretical and Experimental Biology in Otorhinolaryngology / Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Professor of Neurosurgical Research with a focus on Neurooncology, Professor for Epidemiology of Vertigo, Balance and Ocular Motor Disorders, Professor of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Defects, Professor of Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Chair of Molecular Musculoskeletal Research, Chair of Operative and Conservative Dentistry, Chair of Internal Medicine with a focus on Hematology and Oncology, Professor of Global Health & Infectious Diseases, Professor of Lipidology and Metabolic Desease, Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Functional Genetics, Professor of Translational Apoptosis Research in Pediatric Oncology, Professor of Dental Radiology and Surgery, Chair of Neurosciences and Clinical Neuroimmunology, Professor for Translational Pathology of Tumors, Professor of Pneumology - Airway Inflammation and Obstruction, Professor of Neurobiological Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Professor of Neurodiagnostic Applications in Psychiatry, Professor for the Physiology of Adult Neurogenesis, Professor of Operative and Conservative Dentistry, Professor of Molecular Oncology with a focus on Radiooncology, Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical-Analytical Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases, Chair of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine, Chair of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Chair of Großtierforschung in der translationalen Medizin, Professor of gene therapy of eye diseases, Professor of Molecular Toxicology and Pharmacology, Professor of Regeneration and Plasticity of the CNS, Chair of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Professor of Psychiatric Translational Research in Dementia, Professor in Experimental Stroke Research, Professor of Molecular Neurobiology and Animal Models of Psychiatric Diseases, Professor of Biochemistry of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Professor for Experimental Vascular Medicine, Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Chair of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics, Professor of Internal Medicine - Rheumatology, Professor for Research in Neuromuscular Diseases, Professor of Internal Medicine - Diabetology, Professor of Clinical Pathobiochemistry and Pathophysiology, Professor of Physiology - Physiology of Microcirculation, Professor for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Professor of Neurology with a focus on Clinical Neurophysiology, Professor of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, Professor of Internal Medicine with special Focus on Cellular Immunotherapy, Chair of of Medical Microbology and Hospital Hygiene, Chair of Laboratory Medicine (Clinical Chemistry), Chair of General, Visceral und Transplantation Surgery, Professor of Lab Animals and Functional Genome Analysis, Professor of Biotechnology in Small Animal Reproductive Medicine, Chair of Animal Welfare, Ethology, Animal Hygiene and Animal Housing, Chair of Equine Medicine and Reproduction, Chair of Internal Medicine of Small Animals, Professor of Udder Science and Livestock Management, Professor of Clinical and Comparative Neuropathology, Chair for Fish Diseases und Fishing Biology, Chair of Palaeoanatomy and the History of Veterinary Medicine, Chair of Veterinary Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, Professor of Molecular and Experimental Pathology, Chair of Molecular Animal Breeding and Biotechnology, Chair of Physiology and Reproductive Pathology, Chair of Didactics of History and Public History, Chair of European History of the 19th and 20th Century, Professor of Eastern and South Eastern European History, Professor of Art History, with special emphasis on Modern and Contemporary Art History, Professor of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Historical Media Studies, Professor of History of Art in the Early Modern Period with a focus on religious images in Europe, Chair of Medieval History with a focus on the Early and High Middle Ages, Professor of Acient and Medieval Jewish History and Culture, Professor of Early Modern History, specialising in Western European History, Professor of Medieval and Early Modern History of Russia/East Central Europe, Professor of Art History, with special emphasis on Bavarian Art History, Chair of Bavarian History and Comparative Regional History, with special emphasis on Modern History, Chair of Ancient History with a focus on social and economic history, Chair of European History of the 19th and 20th centuries, Chair of Art History, with special emphasis on Italian Art History, Chair of the History of the Ancient Near and Middle East, Professor of Theatre Studies and Music Theatre, Professor of Art History, with special emphasis on Medieval Art History, Chair for Bavarian and Comparative Regional History with a special focus on the Middle Ages, Chair of Late Ancient and Arabic Philosophy, Chair of Philosophy, esp.

At his death he was a violinist with the Stockbridge Symphonia in upstate New York. Az európai-labdarúgó torna döntőjéhez vezető úton Portugáliába a XII., a 2004-es labdarúgó-Európa-bajnokságra, Ausztriába és Svájcba a XIII., a 2008-as labdarúgó-Európa-bajnokságra, valamint Ukrajnába és Lengyelországba a XIV., a 2012-es labdarúgó-Európa-bajnokságra az UEFA JB játékvezetőként foglalkoztatta.

Wolfgang Stark (s.20.

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