Ces exemples peuvent contenir des mots vulgaires liés à votre recherche, Ces exemples peuvent contenir des mots familiers liés à votre recherche, the second processor may be configured to calculate a, le second processeur peut être configuré de manière à calculer un, Les totaux des rangées sont de 100% pour le, On attribue aux alertes un 'indicatif' et un, Le procédé consiste à recevoir une entrée de.

severe adjective Referring to the intensity (severity) of a specific event, as in mild, moderate or severe. It would make sense that definitions of “severity level” would vary from company to company; every business is different.

Translation English - German Collins Dictionary, Collaborative Dictionary     English-German, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-German translations from our dictionary, Sofortiger Vor-Ort-Einsatz in Notfällen für Probleme der. For example, a Customer Support group might take some actions if an incident is labeled a “sev 2” or above.

In addition, these meanings and purposes can vary even in the same organization. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. Ich meine, kommt in der deutschen Übersetzung die "severity"….

Classification process includes distress type, Le processus de classification inclut le type de détérioration, le, The following table presents the distribution of reportable accidents involving dangerous goods in 2008 by, Le tableau suivant présente la répartition des accidents à déclaration obligatoire mettant en cause des marchandises dangereuses en 2008 par, Environ 81 p. 100 des accidents ont présenté un, 15041 16 User-defined error messages must have a, 15041 16 Les messages d'erreur définis par l'utilisateur doivent avoir un, As well there is little guidance or information on the threshold for each risk, En outre, il existe peu de lignes directrices ou d'information sur le seuil pour le, The only priority on the waiting list is the, La seule priorité sur liste d'attente est le, Choose the method of scanning depending upon the, Choisissez la méthode de numérisation en fonction du, Une solution de contournement peut réduire le, applying to said terminal a sanction having a, appliquer audit terminal une sanction dont le, Of the accidents, 95% are considered minor in nature, having received a, On estime que 95 p. 100 des accidents sont de nature mineure, présentant un, If you do not specify the levels property, it means the target will process messages of any, Si vous ne spécifiez pas la propriété levels, cela signifie que la cible traitera les messages de n'importe quel, For each code block being profiled, a log message with the, Pour chaque bloc de code profilé, un message est enregistré avec le. All rights reserved. This post isn’t a comment on how the concept of severity levels should be used, it is a set of observations on how “severity levels” are actually being used.

The method includes receiving a damage severity level input for one or more of the grid segments.

Severity Definition; Critical (On Premise Severity 1) Production server or other mission critical system(s) are down and no workaround is immediately available. “the quality or state of being severe: the condition of being very bad, serious, unpleasant, or harsh.”, “Severity measures the effort and expense required by the service provider to manage and resolve an event or incident.” – (link), “…the severity of an error indicates how serious an issue is depending on the negative impact it will have on users and the overall quality of an application or website.” – (link), “SEV levels are designed to be simple for everyone to quickly understand the amount of urgency required in a situation.” – (link). The effects of this priority-setting can vary; in some cases, the priority dictates the “due date” of the task.

Here are some ideas to mull over once you’ve done that, some suggestions in what ways severity levels may affect more than simply the intensity, harshness, or difficulty of an incident: Many of these less explicit purposes and dynamics surrounding severity levels (and most incident metrics, for that matter) are familiar to many readers. In some organizations, the severity level of an incident can also dictate specific actions to be taken as part of a written contract or agreement with a customer.

In some cases, managers will construct charts and plots of Time-To-Resolve, Time-To-Detect, Frequency, etc. Likewise, incidents that carry with them significant “levels” of severity can be very useful for an engineering manager who is looking to expand their team but without incidents cannot seem to be granted the headcount budget.

Exploitation could result in elevated privileges.

When we have seen responders declare the severity level at the beginning of an event, it is for the most part because the “severity-defining” elements of the incident are clear. Can you find cases where people have open contrasting views (even debate) what severity level a given incident should be given?

without having to translate specific technical jargon for them.

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