Gestalten Sie nach Ihrem persönlichen Informationsbedürfnis. So gesehen kommt die Nähe nicht von ungefähr. The chancellor’s own voting district is in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Sie bilden gemeinsam mit Amthor eine konservative Herrenriege. Several large investors joined Augustus. Mindestens ebenso interessant ist das Netzwerk um ihn herum. Von rechts außen grinste Philipp Amthor in die Kamera, die Nachwuchshoffnung der CDU. At the time, Amthor was a member of the Interior Affairs Committee and the European Affairs Committee in German parliament and had, to that point, not shown himself to be an expert in artificial intelligence or electricity markets. Der CDU-Abgeordnete Philipp Amthor hat sich politisch für das Unternehmen Augustus Intelligence eingesetzt, bei dem er selbst Direktor ist und an dem er Aktienoptionen besaß. During this period, the face of Augustus changed.

Suddenly, it seems, Amthor, the boy from Torgelow, had become a patron of New York’s swankiest hotspots. Is it even possible to bring charges against him? But the stock options are not. Hirte ist Sprecher des Kardinal-Höffner-Kreises, eines Zusammenschlusses überwiegend katholischer Bundestagsabgeordneter, Amthor seit kurzem Mitglied im Berliner Katholikenrat. He says he later went to Harvard Medical School in Boston. Der CDU-Nachwuchsstar Philipp Amthor stürzte über ein Start-up namens Augustus. © Yerepouni News (Managed by The meeting, the ministry stated, “was about the company’s activities regarding artificial intelligence.” Amthor was present at both meetings. The company’s young founders have German roots, but they left for the U.S. early on and cut their teeth working for tech giants like Amazon and Google. When an Augustus employee in Germany had questions about German citizenship, “hg,” as he signs his emails, made a call to the German Interior Ministry and spoke to the official in charge of such issues. In return for their help, Augustus had a favor to ask of Streng. In the letter to Altmaier, he emphasized that the company “is a high priority of mine” and that his parliamentary office “was available at any time to set up an appointment.”, The planned letter was met with enthusiasm at Augustus. Streng, though, was apparently having trouble with technical equipment worth $300 million in China.

There is cause for significant doubts about this version. According to laws pertaining to the activities of lawmakers, parliamentarians are not allowed to accept monetary payments that are only made with the expectation that the payer’s interests will be represented in German parliament. Um der Nutzung von mit Werbung zuzustimmen, muss JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktiviert sein. In ihm versammeln sich viele bekannte Gesichter. It has yet to publicize any financial figures and its website lists neither the names of management nor the company’s products. Friends and colleagues joined them there for oysters and champagne from the Ruinart Blanc de Blancs label. Wolfgang Haupt wrote to a German business leader: “We have support and inquiries from Economy Minister Altmaier and Digital Infrastructure Minister Scheuer to quickly push into the German market and take part in Altmaier’s ‘AI Airbus. Around a year ago, DER SPIEGEL tagged along with the young lawmaker during a trip to his district. Now, he wanted to set up a meeting between Altmaier and the company’s CEO. Der CDU-Jungstar und seine diskrete Lobbyarbeit, Von Rafael Buschmann, Nicola Naber, Christoph Winterbach und Michael Wulzinger. “What a great guy,” wrote Pascal Weinberger in an internal chat. Has the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) distanced itself from Amthor’s behavior? Once he arrived in Berlin, Amthor quickly became a focus of attention, partly because of his appearance.

There is much to indicate that he was attracted to the company due to the elites with whom it had surrounded itself. The files in DER SPIEGEL’s possession do not reveal whether the questionable deal ever actually came to fruition. The introduction of a product had been delayed, a situation that was criticized inside the company. Schließlich streben beide den Vorsitz ihrer Landesverbände an und sind auf dem rechten Flügel der CDU zu Hause. But the email substantiates the accusations that two former employees have leveled at the company in recent months. DER SPIEGEL has learned that Amthor wrote a letter to German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier, also a CDU member, to ask for political support for the startup.

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