Olbricht suggested that this plan could be used to mobilise the Reserve Army for the purpose of the coup.
In August 1943, Tresckow met, for the first time, a young staff officer named Lieutenant Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. The apparent aim of the assassination attempt was to wrest political control of Germany and its armed forces from the Nazi Party (including the SS) and to make peace with the Western Allies as soon as possible.

Rommel was well aware that being hauled before the People's Court was tantamount to a death sentence. The German Military Grave Registration Service has no knowledge of the burial. Hitler took his survival to be a "divine moment in history", and commissioned a special decoration to be made. Not a single day passes without the above formula put into use on German TV.

This told Fromm that the plot had been traced to his headquarters, and that he was in mortal danger. At first Beck only seriously wounded himself—he was then shot in the neck and killed by soldiers. Fromm replied that he thought Stauffenberg was with Hitler.[23]. [92], Memorial at the Bendlerblock: "Here died for Germany on 20 July 1944" (followed by the names of the principal conspirators), Memorial at the cemetery (Alter St.-Matthäus-Kirchhof, Berlin) where the corpses were buried but afterwards removed to an unknown place, Memorial statue at the Bendlerblock by Richard Scheibe, Media related to 20 July plot at Wikimedia Commons, Opposition to Hitler and to Nazi policies, Escape from the Wolf's Lair and flight to Berlin, Winston Churchill,war annual books, "1944". More than 7,000 people were arrested[50] and 4,980 were executed. [80], What is not debated are the results of the failed bomb plot of 20 July. [59][60], A member of the SA convicted of participating in the plot was Obergruppenfüher Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorf, who was the Orpo Police Chief of Berlin and had been in contact with members of the resistance since before the war. [73] On 15 April 1944 Rommel's new chief of staff, Hans Speidel, arrived in Normandy and reintroduced Rommel to Stülpnagel. [24] In Vienna, Prague, and many other places troops occupied Nazi Party offices and arrested Gauleiters and SS officers. Oster was the deputy head of the Military Intelligence Office. Military coup d'état against the Nazi government fails. With this in mind, he opted to give Rommel the option of suicide via cyanide or a public trial by Freisler's People's Court. In late 1942, Tresckow and Olbricht formulated a plan to assassinate Hitler and stage an overthrow during Hitler's visit to the headquarters of Army Group Centre at Smolensk in March 1943, by placing a bomb on his plane. Nonetheless, a 1956 proposal to name a school after Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was opposed by a majority of citizens, and, according to Deutsche Welle, East Germany's communist leadership had ignored the assassination attempt for decades, mainly because the conservative and aristocratic conspirators around Stauffenberg did not match the socialist ideal. Von Witzleben was the former commander of the German 1st Army and the former Commander-in-Chief of the German Army Command in the West. Under Himmler's new Sippenhaft (blood guilt) laws, all the relatives of the principal plotters were also arrested. Stauffenberg, who had been blinded in one eye and lost a hand and two fingers during fighting in Tunisia, planned to kill the Fuehrer by carrying briefcase bomb into a conference room where Hitler would meet his military staff before making an excuse and leaving.

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