Entweder spielst Du Facebook Ads mobil aus, und leitest den User in einen E-Mail-Funnel, damit Du ihm eine E-Mail mit dem Affiliate Link schicken kannst und er diesen mit seinem Standard-Browser öffnet. This is so that the users that your ad is being shown to are the users who are the most likely to buy. Is Affiliate Marketing With Facebook Ads easy? You can offer your visitors a, Wait for the page to load and then navigate off it or try to switch tabs, If you don’t like Kartra, you can also check out. You need to find what works for the majority of your target audience. This website uses cookies. Entscheidet sich der Rezipient Deiner Facebook Werbung nach dem o.g. This one worked well because he was targeting business owners, he had a large attention-grabbing image with a headline about customer acquisition which will interest any business owner. Don’t leave it to chance. However, I will be showing you a method that I use to get around this which still allows me to use the Facebook pixel effectively. Hierbei wird ein Link, automatisch im Standardbrowser geöffnet. After you have duplicated it, you can then go into testing another variable. ODER eine weitere Option ist es ein In-App-Browser-Breakout-Script zu nutzen, dieses funktioniert allerdings ausschließlich für Android Smartphones. After you have gathered some data, you can then expand. Killer Tip: Use this as an opportunity to build your email list! It has become very popular but often affiliates jump into Facebook ads without the right preparation & information. Yeah I know what you’re thinking, “Matt, how do you get ‘cost per thousand’ from ‘CPM’?”. Otherwise, they will not even notice your ad or keep scrolling once they see it’s something that they are not interested in. Instead, send them to your own landing page. After they have entered their email address, I then send them to a sales page that I have created for the affiliate product or a presell page. The great thing is, in most cases, you can get enough data within a day to make some decisions. Facebook is generally not a huge fan of affiliate links and doing so too much could end up getting your account shut down. You don’t know where your customers are or what they are doing, and you don’t even have the full pixel access. The first one has 30Clicks and the second one has 210. Do you want those 100 clicks to be spread across the entire range of demographics, interests, geography, etc.? In other words, when you’re running Facebook ads, only spend the amount of money that you are willing to have absolutely no return on. You do not want to get surprised, so make sure that you set a budget for your campaign. Here are some examples of what I mean by being hyper-focused: I’m not saying you have to be that targeted forever, but when you are starting out and haven’t run ads for an affiliate promotion before, you want to target the absolute best potential people, so be sure you start off hyper-focused. On the call to action on the sales page, we can now add a pixel with the Facebook events tool. PS: Falls Du einen weiteren Tipp hast, um den Sale zuverlässig zuordnen zu lassen, freue ich mich über Dein Feedback unter diesem Post auf Facebook! So now you have the Ultimate Guide to running Facebook Ads for your next affiliate promotion. When people click this button, you know that they are pretty interested in your affiliate product so you can run retargeting ads on them.
view-source:https://DeineSeite.de ein und, durchsuche den angezeigten Quelltext anschliessend nach „nofollow noopener noreferrer“. That means they have quite a lot of advertising policies which they follow strictly. This goes back to knowing your audience and knowing what grabs their attention. Otherwise, you might be waiting for a couple of hours, just to find out that it hasn’t been allowed. Now, I need you to listen closely…. However, today we will be talking about using Facebook ads for affiliate marketing. However, there are still some little tricks that you can use. 2. Also, it doesn’t help that we can’t install the Facebook pixel onto the affiliate sales page. Cookie-Test durchgeführtMit Hilfe eines Cookie-Setting Scriptes habe ich jetzt einen eigenen Test durchgeführt. –, Use An Attention-Grabbing Image That Is Relevant, Affiliate Marketing With Facebook Ads – How To Use Pixel & Audiences. There will be a complete section on this rule in this article, to help you understand who your customer is. Let’s say you are going to spend $100 per day on ads and each click will cost you $1 (just to make the math easy…). Gleiches gilt für die YouTube-App. Additionally, in order to be successful in affiliate marketing with Facebook ads, we need to test our campaigns to find the best ad sets. The model that I use is I send them to a lead magnet page where I capture their email address. They are true recommendations and if you click on them and purchase, I probably earn a commission (at no additional cost to you).
Wo spielt die Musik?

Now let’s start with some questions that you need to ask: All of these questions, are questions that you need answers to before you start advertising on Facebook. Wird Dein Affiliate-Cookie im In-App Browser nicht gespeichert, so kann Dir der Sale nicht zugerechnet werden. 3. Today I am going to cover how to do affiliate marketing with Facebook ads. Watch this video on the 4 groups you should target with your Facebook Ads. It’s better for Facebook if you stay on Facebook (naturally). Dieser wird von der Zielseite (Affiliate-Landingpage) ausgewertet, sodass Dir die jeweilige Vermittlung (Provi!) Using An Attention-Grabbing Image That Is Relevant, Actionate Review: Don’t Join Actionate – I was wrong! Always make your call to action clear.MATT MCWILLIAMSTweet Quote.

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