")", then it won’t work right. A menu is a standalone graphical component on the page, so it’s better to put it into a single DOM element.

That doesn’t work. if you want parameters in your event handler, you have to put it in an anonymous function. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. To react on events we can assign a handler – a function that runs in case of an event. Except for the Error object, the same parameters are passed to the Will events. We can’t use position:fixed for it, because scrolling the page would move the ball from the field. Each event receives one or more objects representing the objects that are involved in the operation. The Error parameter is a reference to an ADO Error object. When you fill in the details and select the submit button, the natural behavior is for the data to be submitted to a specified page on the server for processing, and the browser to be redirected to a "success message" page of some kind (or the same page, if another is not specified.). In that case the method handleEvent is called in case of the event. All DOM nodes generate such signals (but events are not limited to DOM). With JavaScript, you could easily add an event handler function to all the buttons on the page no matter how many there were, using something like this: Note that another option here would be to use the forEach() built-in method available on NodeList objects: Note: Separating your programming logic from your content also makes your site more friendly to search engines. For example, you can call addEventListener('click', function() { ... }) on an element multiple times, with different functions specified in the second argument. But a new DOM property will overwrite the existing one: Developers of web standards understood that long ago and suggested an alternative way of managing handlers using special methods addEventListener and removeEventListener. There are no handlers on it. How to get the value from the GET parameters? The following two handlers wouldn't both be applied: The second line overwrites the value of onclick set by the first line. What's the deal with Deno? To do the scrolling, we can shift