Oh hey, I just solved all my problems! ... Make a Div Clickable as a Link - Duration: 4:08. How can I ensure that the href title appears when I hover on the div and also that the URL appears in the status bar of the browser I’m using? There’s a outer DIV and it has elements like the title, description and a link. Any ideas why the same code works locally but not on my VPS? The CSS approach - Make the Whole DIV clickable But how to make whole not clickable.

A typical DIV is written using the following markup. They have courses on all the most important front-end technologies, from React to CSS, from Vue to D3, and beyond with Node.js and Full Stack. Add .stretched-link to a link to make its containing block clickable via a ::after pseudo element. Beginning BootStrap (Part-1) | Introduction and Installation, Bootstrap (Part-4) | Vertical Forms, Horizontal Forms, Inline Forms. Relative will make your “top:0; left:0;” relative to the DIV in which it’s contained, rather than absolute, which makes it top / left of the PAGE, not just DIV. ShopTalk is a podcast all about front-end web design and development. @Liz (https://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/make-entire-div-clickable/#comment-454372). All comments are held for moderation. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Any Ideas? a hyperlink? Then you can set your target as _self or _blank depending on how you want that link to behave. What’s the verdict that works in IE7 and above and allows a background color change on hover? Used this extension to open a bunch of links on pastebin, which was helpful. MailChimp: Grow sales with Customer Journey Smarts. That’s fine if you’re happy using HTML5, but it wasn’t allowed in HTML4, so it depends whether you need backwards compatibility. Hey there, quick question. years later and still helping out. bottom: 0;

Or by inserting the following within your div tag: onclick=”location.href=’http://www.example.com’;” style=”cursor:pointer; For those using HTML 5 you can now wrap any block-level element in an A tag: Cards have position: relative by default in Bootstrap, so in this case you can safely add the .stretched-link class to a link in the card without any other HTML changes. Yes. For opening the link in the new window, instead of going with window.location = someurl say window.open([someurl]). />"; Now that I think of it, the problem may be that I’m creating a new button without adding any new event listener. For usability (dependent on what you are using it for), remember to add cursor:pointer in your css.

There is a CSS solution but is not backwards compatible with older browsers. else{ I don’t know how well supported that construction is in older browsers – has anyone got any info on that? When I uploaded index.html, the mouse pointer still worked, but when the div was clicked, absolutely nothing happened–the external Web site did not open. suggest?

Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. How to create table with 100% width, with vertical scroll inside table body in HTML ? I’ve read through all of the above.

I found a Web site with instructions on how to do what I wrote in the “Subject” line: My OS on my home computers is CentOS, and I run Apache locally to test my Web sites before uploading them to my VPS. I’ve tried making very large anchor tags full of content, and that doesn’t work either. Please use ide.geeksforgeeks.org, generate link and share the link here. How to add table row in a table using jQuery? How to make div clickable in Html Quick and easy tutorial. But using target “_blank” – its not working. In this case, the markup for an example table looks like this: edit Try adding   inside of your anchor to give it some content. I couldn’t agree more with Chris’ opening suggestion of just nesting your div within an Anchor tag. I’m working on an old project and I’m not able to use HTML5. I’m trying to fix that now. It does work on my home computer running Apache. Here’s an example explaining how to do so. Then, set it to a block display, relative positioning, left and top equal to 0, width and height to full (or use jQuery to match all A’s within DIV’s to the same dimensions as the DIV).

How to align navbar items to the right in Bootstrap 4 ?

Can’t recall where I found this or I’d give credit, but this is what works for me. Here’s an example of some html: And here’s the jQuery I’m using to add click event: I see nothing in the console when I click the anchor tag. right: 0; background-color: #FFF; / Fix to make div clickable in IE / The following CSS properties will make an element the containing block: Stretched link will not work here, because position: relative is added to the link. In most cases, this means that an element with position: relative; that contains a link with the .stretched-link class is clickable. A problem can arise when you have two anchor tags in one div. This is awesome. } This usually opens the url in a new tab. Could someone tell me what this window.location is doing in this code? much appreciated. How to set the button alignment in Bootstrap ? I created a Jquery plugin to do this. This means that the top:0; left:0; will be referencing the containing div not the body of the page. JavaScript creations. Hi With the HTML5 data- attribute I declare the link

Make any HTML element or Bootstrap component clickable by “stretching” a nested link via CSS. Stretched link. Adam, Jaret, Probably you haven’t included jQuery.

Hmmm I’ll have to look into this. Thanks for passing along. And of course, the add button only works before you press the enter button.

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