Beim Arzt GM 1.029, Pimsleur: Conversational German GM 1.005 Set of 40 color photographs (7" × 7") that illustrate 40 of the most common action verbs usually studied in first-year language courses; infinitive of each verb printed on reverse of each card in English, French, German and Spanish.

To accompany the fifth and sixth editions of the elementary-level German language textbook Treffpunkt Deutsch by E. Rosemarie Widmaier, Fritz T. Widmaier, and Margaret Glonglewski (© 2008 Pearson-Prentice Hall, © 2013 Pearson Education Inc.); twelve video segments feature unscripted interviews with native speakers on topics relating to chapter themes. Ich ging einmal spazieren, bums, vallera. 36 1/2" VHS color videocassette Approx. Leuchtend prangten ringsum Apfelblüten, still vom Fluss zog Nebel noch ins Land; durch die Wiesen kam hurtig Katjuscha zu des Flusses steiler Uferwand. A young English teacher in Siam (present-day Thailand) begins he journey teaching English to the 69 children of the royal court. 1/2" VHS color videocassette Treffpunkt Deutsch, 4th edition Transparencies

„Die AfD lehnt ein solches Aufnahmeprogramm in Hessen ab!“, MAN schließt Standort: CDU führt Sachsen in die De-Industrialisierung. “Kommen Sie aus Tokio?” — “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” — introducing yourself); musical score with guitar chords included in accompanying book. Wolfgang Liebeneiner (1979)

GM-CD 3.002, Haydn 1/2" VHS color videocassette (1989) Loosely based on the 1928 musical theater by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill. 99 situation cards each of which tests discrete items related to vocabulary, grammatical structures, and/or linguistic functions; designed to be used independently with a variety of textbooks as achievement tests, not proficiency tests; most of the cards are considered to be at the “intermediate” to “advanced” levels on the ACTFL Proficiency Scale; cards are indexed by: (1) vocabulary topics, (2) linguistic functions, (3) grammar forms and structures; reference guide available; Note: Cards are written in English. Ich bezahle das Abendessen! Treibst du gern Sport? Doch wenn ein anerkannter Flüchtling aus dem Nepal sich für, Das kommunistische Regime in China kauft sich offenkundig immer massiver in deutsche Medien und Universitäten ein. Total time: 6 hours 17 minutes, Geschäftsdeutsch, 2nd edition: An Introduction to Business German Region 1 (NTSC) DVD MISC 1.004.005/.006 LAPD officer Jack Tavern (Keanu Reeves) falls prey to the personal vendetta of a domestic terrorist. Does grammar instruction make a difference in the acquisition of a second language? Heimatlieder aus Deutschland The Best Originals and Remixes of New German Folk. GM 1.033, Treffpunkt Deutsch 6th Edition Dubbed in German with no subtitles 1/2" VHS color videocassette 1/2" VHS color videocassette 1 hour 55 minutes, Himmel über Berlin (Wings of Desire) 30 Jahre Einheit: Ein starker Osten für unser Vaterland! For beginning students; based on conversations and interviews with Germans recorded in Germany, this program is designed to teach the language of daily life and direct personal relations; stresses the language of ordinary people doing everyday things, going to meetings, shopping, travelling and working; includes three paperback texts and teacher’s guide.

Heimatlieder aus Deutschland – The Best Originals and Remixes of New German Folk, Pazderski: AfD-Forderung: Auf deutschen Schulhöfen muss deutsch gesprochen werden. (shopping) The 1924 silent film by Fritz Lang; English titles between scenes of Siegfried; German and English titles between scenes of Kriemhilde, music; a cinematographic masterpiece of the most famous German legend.

GM 3.047, Beethoven „Ach du lieber Augustin“: Die größte Sammlung der schönsten Volkslieder aus der DDR in einem Archiv. Famous Choruses (Leonhardt, Harnoncourt) Gehen wir doch einkaufen! Hopsa, hopsa! Seven 1/2" VHS color videocassettes DVD #1: Festival of the Nations = 1 hour 55 minutes Region 0 (PAL) DVD 30 Jahre Einheit: Die unvergessliche deutsche Nacht von Rom, Bystron: Schlepper-NGOs sind organisierte Kriminelle, Bayern: CSU-Minister setzt linke Polizei-Diskreditierung fort, KaDeWe entfernt linke Polizei-Hasserin nach AfD-Kritik aus dem Schaufenster, Peter Boehringer in der Haushaltsdebatte über die Corona-Politik, Alice Weidel in der Generaldebatte zum Versagen der Regierung, Rundfunkbeitrag: EuGH-Gutachter stützt Recht auf Barzahlung. Widmaier, Gonglewski, Moser, Partsch Strophe: Ihren Schäfer zu erwarten, tralerali tiralerala, schlich sich Phyllis in den Garten, talerali tiralerala.
Egmont Overture in F minor, op. Region 1 (NTSC) DVD Schneeschuhfahren, schönster Sport, unsre Liebe fand.
Wenn wir werdn in´n Himmel kommen, hat die Plag ein End genommen Hopsasa!

Heinz Behling, 1955. Wolfgang Petersen (1981) Average passage: 5 minutes GM-CD 3.015, Liszt 1 hour 30 minutes, Die Mörder sind unter uns (The Murderers are Among Us) 1/2" VHS color videocassette 1/2" VHS color videocassette Arbeitsheft (Student Activities Manual)

im Garten die Beere, die rote, die feine! Comedic drama that takes place in the East Germany of 1989, where a young man is arrested for his protests against the regime. Situation Cards For Oral Evaluation: Intermediate French, German, Spanish Designed to teach the alphabet by showing examples of German words beginning with each letter; each word superimposed on screen while narrator of live-action video segment uses word in a complete sentence. In vielen Regionen singt man lokale Heimatlieder.

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