Starring: Susanna Bonasewicz, Guido Weber, Hallgard Bruckhaus

But the computer witch isn't grateful: she flies away and puts spells on the whole of Newtown. With Apple Pie's help, Bibi and Johnny find a dinosaur egg. At the airport they are collected by a hunch-backed coachman and Count Dracula is waiting at the hotel to greet them. Bibi bets that she would be. Unfortunately Barbara Blocksberg has got a bad cold and is unable to attend and Bernard doesn't feel like going. Bibi likes to use her mag­i­cal pow­ers to play prac­ti­cal jokes.

[1][5] Den Schlüssel zu ihrem Hexenzimmer trägt sie stets um den Hals.

Browse the latest Amazon Prime from with Yidio. Under Carla Caramba's guidance, they initiate a contest to test agility, intelligence and getting along together. Mania, however, is disappointed by her pupils' poor efforts and sets them an ultimatum using an egg timer: If the young witches still can't do their witchcraft homework by the time the sand has run out, then they will be turned into mice. In the matinee Pedro does the death defying triple summersault above the open lion's cage. Amanda has sent invitations to her birthday celebration on Mount Blocksberg. This witch must must learn her craft from her mother as her father is not a witch. Mrs. Schaller asks Bibi to look after her twins. Bibi and Bernard Blocksberg can hardly believe their eyes when a white dromedary is suddenly standing in the middle of Barbara's rose bed. Bibi's class is on an excursion to the Newtown caves.

But all three have got terrible colds. Bernard has had enough of witchcraft in his house! This witch must must learn her craft from her mother as her father is not a witch. When a super cleaning detergent threatens to destroy the house, Granny Gertrude has to intervene. After Bibi wins a game of catch rather unfairly, Johnny says angrily that without her "Wizz-wizz!"

Although it is forbidden, Bibi uses a spell from her mother's spell book several times over, and keeps magicking the twins older. He had been brought to life from a dinosaur's egg which Johnny had found. He has come directly from the desert. During a family Sunday excursion to Clunkenburg Castle, Bibi discovers the portrait of a princess and immediately starts to behave just like her: a typical disease in young witches. The dinosaur can only be hatched by the power of three witches from three different generations. Bibi turns the Mayor, the supermarket owner and the chief of Police into rabbits... Bibi wants a pet. That's the last straw!

Sing her mom's crystal ball, they take a peek into Father Christmas' house, but, to their great surprise, they see three Santas : Willi, the German one, Henry, the American one and Pierre, the French Pére Noel .

Bibi and Carla Caramba, the famous town reporter, aren't about to let the environment be polluted in this way. A short while later she is alone with the two babies.

Bibi finds a frog, calls him Ferdinand and decides to keep him as a weather frog. * = Charakter doppelt im Stammbaum vorhanden In der Familienliste fett gedruckt = bekannte Wurfgefährten. Bevor Barbara nach Neustadt zog, lebte sie bis zu ihrem 24.

The two friends find themselves in the middle of the jungle and can't get back again because Bibi doesn't know the complicated reversal spell. The little Bedouin boy, Rasheed appears.

The Mayor intends to build an oil pipe line right through the valley, in order to get cheaper gasoline. On a whim, she magics the witch free. Bernhard and Barbara Blocksberg are Bibi's parents. Bibi returns Ferdinand, whose real name is actually Fred. Can Bibi help them to save christmas ? Bibi Blocksberg und das Geheimnis der blauen Eulen, But Bibi can prove that he really exists.

Barbara nahm nach der Hochzeit den Nachnamen ihres Ehemannes. The school that Bibi, Marita and Johnny attend is falling to pieces. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Bibi lives in a family of witches.

Bibi and Margie, Cecilies doughter, can't stand each other at first, but during a duel of magic, Margie confides in Bibi in tears: "If we can't pay the last installment of our loan, that horrible Mr. Whipsnake will get our castle!" They decide to fly to the Orient too to put a stop to the Mayor's plans. At first everything seems to go smoothly, but then it turns out that the robber Catgold has also come to life out of the book and is stealing from the citizens of Newtown. Bibi Blocksberg is an animated television series about a witch. Sie ist eine kleine Frau mit rundlichen Hüften und blonden Haaren. Instead of learning emergency witch spells Bibi prefers going to Circus Saluti, where she meets the young trapeze artist, Pedro Tossini and falls in love with him. But it turns out to be a horror hotel in Transylvania! The focus of this animated children's series is on being different and and learning to live with those differences.     = weiblich Then they could wake Dino and bring him back to his mother. The plaster is falling off the walls, the windows are leaking and the furniture is rotten. Then something dramatic happens and Bibi now needs the correct emergency witches spell to save Pedro from great danger. His wish sets Barbara thinking and, since she has a wish free on her lucky star on the night of her 33rd birthday at 33 minutes after 3.33, she renounces her witchcraft. Like any other child this girl must learn the family business. After the frog had escaped, he couldn't make any accurate forecasts any more. The witch Mania helps them because she needs the egg shell to brew a tonic. Bibi and Johnny are in the quarry playing sliding with the dinosaur which Bibi was forced to turn to stone some time ago with Mania's help.

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