1,5 Stunden. Bekijk meer ideeën over Poppentheater, Film, Jeugd. Since 1948, the "Augsburger Puppenkiste" had been producing theatrical adaptations of fairy tales and serious pieces. Augsburger Puppenkiste - Jim Knopf und Lukas 1961 & 1977 Ausschnitte aus dem Puppenspiel 'Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer', im Fernsehen gesendet 1961 und 1977 mit den Figuren Jim Knopf, Lukas, Emma, Molly, König Alfons der Viertel-vor-Zwölfte, Frau Mahlzahl, Scheinriese Herrn Tur Tur u.a. However, after the relaunch HR offered the in-house writer Manfred Jenning to realize the concept of a series (While the first TV productions of the Augsburger Puppenkiste were mere recordings of theatre productions, they soon turned into elaborate motion pictures/ movies/ (feature) films. The Augsburger Puppenkiste is a marionette theater in Augsburg, Germany.

It is located at the former Heilig-Geist-Spital in the historic center of Augsburg.

5-nov-2019 - poppentheater Augsburger Puppenkiste.

In 1953, it began producing television series and gained nationwide prominence with productions, such as Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer and Urmel aus dem Eis.

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