[4], Im Dezember 2012 erklärte der Bundesgerichtshof die bisherigen Urteile gegen Šapina und einen Komplizen für nicht rechtskräftig und hob diese auf. Robert Hoyzer, 26, was unexpectedly sent to prison at the end of a four-week trial after being found guilty of fraud. Sapina is also under suspicion in the present investigation for his role in fixing 14 matches in the Croatian league. E esta situação me permitiu conhecer milhares de pessoas relacionadas ao esporte. Opinião: Eliminação na Libertadores escancara problemas táticos do São Paulo, Juve pegará Barça, e Inter enfrentará Real Madrid na Champions, Davor Suker nega envolvimento em manipulação de resultados, Pressionada, Uefa decide flexibilizar regras do Fair-Play Financeiro, MP suíço revela que mais de 100 contas investigadas no caso Fifa foram limpas. Strafsenat des Bundesgerichtshofes bestätigt. He was convicted of rigging games in return for thousands of euros in payments from Ante Sapina, a sports-bar owner who masterminded the €2m (£1.36m) betting scam. O ex-jogador é membro do Comitê Executivo da UEFA desde 2012 e presidente da Federação Croata de Futebol desde março deste ano. First published on Thu 17 Nov 2005 20.31 EST. Šapina wurde 2005 vom Landgericht Berlin wegen der Betrügereien zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von zwei Jahren und elf Monaten verurteilt; das Urteil wurde 2006 vom 5. The exceptions were a friendly between Hansa Rostock and Middlesbrough and a Turkish first division match. Ante Sapina made more than €750,000 from Paderborn's 4-2 victory, according to the indictment. German authorities also discovered a series of text messages in Sapina’s cell phone from a player in Turkey just before a big match who wanted a team mate to join him in the fix. [5], Im April 2014 wurde er vom Landgericht Bochum zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt. He also sent off the Hamburg striker Emile Mpenza. Im Juli 2008 wurde Ante Šapina entlassen. Police suspect more than 300 games were fixed, with players and match officials bribed. De acordo com a denúncia, Suker teria atuado no esquema em 2009 em parceria com o croata Ante Sapina, condenado no ano passado a cinco anos de prisão, em Bochum, na Alemanha. Ante Sapina made more than €750,000 from Paderborn's 4-2 victory, according to the indictment. Membro do Comitê Executivo da Uefa, o croata Davor Suker negou ter qualquer envolvimento com as suspeitas de manipulação de resultados denunciadas pelo canal ARD e pelo jornal Süddeutsche Zeitung, ambos veículos de comunicação alemães, no fim de semana. "Sapina informou Davor Suker e lhe deu a dica de que jogo deveria apostar", continuam os investigadores. On February 12th, 2005 he was himself arrested for concealing the extent of his involvement. “The fixing might be done by Europeans but the cash depends on millions of punters in Asia, punters free to bet on games on the other side of the planet in real time.” Striker Emile Mpenza was also sent off. TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 10. Artilheiro da Copa de 98 é acusado de manipulação de resultados, segundo emissora alemã, Por Do UOL, em São Paulo - 27/06/2015 13:08, Kylian Mbappé, craque do PSG. Nunca fui interrogado", ressaltou Suker. Andererseits müsse nochmals geprüft werden, ob nicht doch ein vollendeter oder ein bandenmäßiger Betrug vorliegt.

© 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. His association with the high living Robert Hoyzer who in his testimony admitted that fascination with money was his primary motive behind his involvement, began on a drunken May night in 2004 when he was introduced to the referee through his cousin. Germany's football authorities suffered embarrassment before next year's World Cup when a referee was jailed for two years and five months for fixing matches. What they uncovered was fixing on a massive scale across several European leagues, Champions League qualifying matches and even one suspected fix in a World Cup qualifying game.

Ante Sapina was jailed in 2005 for bribing a German referee, Almost 20,000 Amazon workers have tested positive for coronavirus, British cruise industry sets out future of sailing in 'milestone' document, Ash dieback worst year on record, say National Trust as they warn woods that inspired Beatrix Potter and Constable are at risk, Ministers preparing for four million unemployed because of Covid crisis, Bernd Leno never feared for his future as Arsenal's No 1, First Dates, review: this show remains a heady mix of artifice and honesty. All but two of the 23 suspect matches were all-German encounters, mostly lower-league games. All rights reserved. Sapina is one of seven people who have been charged, three of whom have received jail sentences. Ante once told me that in Greece there was no limit as to how much you would bet, unlike in Germany.” [6], Šapina war vor dem Wett-Skandal in Berlin vorwiegend als Amateur-Fußballer aktiv. De acordo coma TV alemã, Suker foi flagrado em conversas telefônicas com Ante Sapina, croata condenado por manipular resultados em escândalo de 2009. On another occasion he bet €240,000 and won €870,000 on a second division game between Karlsruher SC and MSV Duisburg on December 3 2004 which Duisburg won 3-0 with Marks refereeing. Ante Šapina [.mw-parser-output .IPA a{text-decoration:none}ˈʃapɪna] (* 16. As gravações foram interceptadas pela promotoria pública de Bochum, cidade localizada na região do Vale do Rurr, que conduziu o processo. Another referee, Dominik Marks, 30, was given a suspended sentence of 18 months.

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