According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 62) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) is a multi-star system with a trio of K-class stars and one M-class star. The sector was named after the prominent star system in the sector, the Aldebaran system, and Federation member world, Aldebaran III. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram), In 2345, Michael O'Brien sent a recorded audition of his son Miles O'Brien playing the cello to the Aldebaran Music Academy. Scotty received a bottle of it from Data in Guinan's Ten-Forward on the Enterprise … A Type K5 star only 68 light-years from Sol, named and sighted as one of the brightest in the night sky by Earth's ancients. • Mass: 1.7 sol The Aldebaran system (or Alpha Tauri system) is a system of two pairs of binary companion stars located in the Aldebaran Sector of the Beta Quadrant, near the Alpha Quadrant border, approximately 65.1 lightyears from the Sol system. Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, and the 14th most luminous star in the entire night sky. Read more here. This star is in the Aldebaran sector. Alpha Tauri B orbits the primary at a distance of 97.5 billion kilometers. A further consequence is that the expanded bulk of the star now shines at a visual luminosity 153 times brighter than the Sun, and an absolute luminosity about 425 times brighter. In terms of infrared (IR) radiation in the J-band, Aldebaran shines at magnitude -2.1, making it the fifth brightest star in this frequency, with only Betelgeuse (-2.9), Antares (-2.7), R Doradus (-2.6), and Arcturus (-2.2) being more luminous. Try Star Trek: Picard Toggle navigation Water-dwelling creatures which can grow to at least six-inches long and whose secretions act as a natural sedative — at least for humans.

• Constellation: Taurus The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. During the episode's development, this ghost story instead became one about George Webb. Being a very slow rotator the processes that create a corona do not occur on Aldebaran, which means that the star does not emit hard X-ray radiation. Up to 20 can be stacked together. • Apparent magnitude (V): 0.75 to 0.95 1 Description & Stats; ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a … • Star Type: Orange-Red giant (K5 III) (DS9: "Shadowplay"), Aldebaran whiskey and Aldebaran drum sets were products made in this system.

(DIS: "The War Without, The War Within"), During the 2260s, Janet and Theodore Wallace performed experiments using various carbohydrate compounds to slow down the degeneration of plant life at a Federation outpost on Aldebaran III.

• Luminosity: 425 sol

Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri, also known as the Eye of Taurus, is an orange giant star located at a distance of 65 light years from Earth. A reflective trail of mineral and ice debris can be seen trailing behind Alpha Tauri B as it travels along its orbit. available from your ship's replicator if you have a rare or better quality Bartender in your duty officer roster. Although it is relatively close to Earth, the Pioneer 10 space probe currently moving in the general direction of Aldebaran will only make its closest approach to the star … Aldebaran at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.

Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. In 2385, this was a UFP system. It has at least five planets, one of which is home to the Aldebaran Music Academy. Aldebarans’ K5 III classification denotes it as an orange-red giant that has evolved off the main sequence, having consumed its hydrogen fuel. The position of Teer was normally hereditary, but could be taken by the winner of a successful challenge to the death. Interestingly, for the Seris people of north-western Mexico, Aldebaran is “[the] star that goes ahead” and provides light for the Pleiades, which is known as “[the] seven women giving birth”. It is the brightest star in Taurus constellation and the 14th brightest star in the night sky.

Stretching out from the star to a distance of between 1.2 and 2.8 times the radius of the star, is a MOLsphere (molecular outer atmosphere) in which temperatures are low enough (1,000K – 2,000K) for various gaseous molecules to form. It was listed on the chart Interstellar Expeditions to Sectors 184/02-185/38: Launched From Sol System, Earth Dates 2123-2190, which was seen on a screen in Jean-Luc Picard's ready room aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG-R: "Up The Long Ladder", okudagram) Aldebaran's star system was inhabited by Humans by the 23rd century.

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